April 23, 2024 12:07 pm

Awesome News About the Awesome Transit List 😎

We strongly believe that open source projects and tools can empower transportation stakeholders from everywhere to provide better travelers’ information. That’s why we were so excited to take over management of the Awesome Transit List earlier this year. The list can now be found here on GTFS.org.

The list was originally managed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of Florida. We want to thank Sean Barbeau for trusting us to manage the list and Luqmaan Dawoodjee for all of the work they did on this project! 

For anyone unaware, the Awesome Transit List is an open source list of some cool free tools in the transit data space. In other words, it is a community list of transit APIs, apps, datasets, research, and software. At the time of writing, 80 people have contributed to this extensive list of more than 150 tools! How awesome is that? 

A Glimpse of the Awesome Transit List

Every single tool on the massive Awesome Transit List has a reason for being there and is important for people like us in the transit data space. Here are just some of the free and open source tools that you should know about: 

  • OpenStreetMap (OSM) – The collaborative platform for mapping the world, including transport, transit, and routing data.
  • Transport Data Gouv – A repository of the French National Access Point (NAP) for mobility data hosted by the French open data portal.

And much (much) more!

Let’s Keep Collaborating

That’s just a taste of some of the more than 150 tools on the Awesome Transit List! We’re also still looking for people to add tools from around the world to the Awesome Transit List. So, if you have something to add or change, open a pull request or issue at MobilityData/awesome-transit. 

Once again, we want to thank Sean Barbeau from the CUTR at the University of Florida and Luqmaan Dawoodjee for all of the work they did to make the Awesome Transit list what it is today. We’re grateful to be trusted with maintaining your work so it can be used for anyone in the mobility space who needs it!